Recent activities include:

Good Deeds Day, Karmiel,

This community outreach activity was held at the dilapidated Bratd NGO daycare center. Karmiel branch manager, Mrs. Haya Shmaltz, marshalled the efforts of several nearby factories to refurbish the structure and purchase new shelves for its library. Some of the senior citizens also took part in the day’s activities, along with management and employees from the Kadarim quarry.


Fun Day for a boarding school, Mevaseret Tziyon

The Shoham branch collaborated with the Even Sid factory to organize a day of activities for the school’s disabled student residents – a joint initiative of branch manager Mrs. Tami Vizenfield, factory manager Shmulik Nachumi and Park Shoham Trustees volunteer, Roni Kinderman. The children enjoyed a guided, handicapped-accessible tour of the Tinshemet Ruins, unearthed one year earlier by the Jewish National Fund, the Israel Antiquities Authority and Even Sid quarry.


Quilts for premature babies, Beer Sheva

Talented volunteers from the Beer Sheva branch, led by its manager, Mrs. Yaffa Saad, took part in a unique community activity – creating quilted blankets. Adorned with cheerful illustrations, they now add a touch of warmth to the premature baby unit at the city’s Soroka Hospital.


Ecological education, Ramat HaSharon branch

In February and March, 2014, 8th graders from the Hof HaSharon school took part in a special activity under the guidance of their teacher, Ms. Vivi Sofer and CBI’s Kfar Saba branch manager, Mrs. Lisa Cohen. During five sessions, they learned about sustainability, the significance of local and organic agriculture and the importance of teamwork. They created their own t-shirt logo, chose a location and appropriate plants and started a community garden, which they later tended and fenced. During the Passover vacation, an irrigation system was installed. In further sessions, the students learned how to produce spices, grow vegetables and more.


Netanya branch volunteers for city residents

In February 2014, Netanya branch manager, Mrs. Haya Alony, initiated a social action called "Beautiful Israel Day". Branch volunteers along with local teenagers “adopted” the Neot Ganim community center and its garden, cleaning the courtyard and purchasing plants. The teens took responsibility for care of the garden, contributing to the community center’s appearance.


Tu'Bishvat with the Haifa branch: planting flowers at Neve David, January 2014

Haifa branch manager, Mrs. Piki Plisker, enlisted young local activists to adopt the Neve David neighborhood, aiming to improve the appearance of its public areas. Preparing them to set a positive example, the young people learned about CBI's activities and then planted a garden at the neighborhood youth center, joined in the effort by local children.


Painting project with Ashdod branch

To help beautify the city, the Ashdod municipality decided to turn utility and service boxes into objects of art. Local artists decorated them in various styles, using special graffiti-repelling paints. The project was led by branch manager Mrs. Hannah Shoval and is expected to continue yearly.